Monday, August 13, 2007

A Day of Firsts...

Saturday we went to the farm and had a really good day. We did a lot of things for the first time. I really don't know if she had been swimming before she was brought to the Horizon House. I think it was her first time with us on Saturday. She did great! Slow at first and then she wanted to do more and more by herself. By the end of the day she jumped off the diving board (On her bottom) to Uncle Don. She really likes to try and do what everyone else is doing. She had watched her cousins jump off the diving board all day. Auntie Di painted her toe and fingernails for the first time. She absolutely loved that! I'm not surprised since it seems like we have a girly girl on our hands. She really loved holding the new kittens! She kept disappearing into the workshop looking for them. We had to keep running after her and help her find the kittens. She carried them around as long as they would let her. She went for a golf cart ride up the back field, sat in Uncle Don's tractor for a little bit and even had her first toasted marshmallow over a fire with Daddy. The only complaint I have is that I didn't get very much of her time that day but, it warms my heart watching my family bonding with her and her with them. She still doesn't talk in front of any of the adults. She talks a mile a minute to Jeff and I. She also talks to the kids when there are no adults there. That is what the nannies said happened at horizon House. I guess she did say something in Sidami to Auntie once which is good news. Grammie and Bampie arrived home at the farm late from a few days away. I was glad that they got to see her and although she was completely exhausted Grammie got to hold her for a good 15-20 minutes. What a great day, especially after the frustrating one the day before!

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