Friday, August 10, 2007

Getting Settled

This past week getting settled has been overall very good. Today was definitely our hardest day yet. Kassie has been whiny and cranky all day. She had a few immunizations yesterday and I am sure that is why. looking back on the day I probably should have given her some Tylenol but the doctor told me to give her some if she kept touching her arms where she had the shots. She wasn't touching them at all so I didn't give her any. We have had 2 doctors appointments this week and had labs and an x-ray. We were required to see a doctor as soon as we get home so we went to Partners in Pediatrics in Nashua. Our social worker recommended Dr. Kaupp to us because she specializes in treating International adoptees. We had actually met her before we officially accepted the match with Kasech to have her look over her medical records from WHFC and look at her pictures. We were a bit concerned with Kassie's swollen belly although it is common in Ethiopia due to malnutrition. Dr. Kaupp warned us that 9 out of 10 children who come from Ethiopia have Giardia. Giardia is a parasite from drinking dirty water. While in Ethiopia we found out that Kasech had arrived with ascariosis (worm) and was treated and free of it. Her belly doesn't seem as swollen as in her referral pictures and were told by the nurse at Horizon House in Ethiopia that her belly had gone down since extracting the worm. She said she thought that her belly was still slightly swollen from malnutrition. So, we thought we were free and clear of the Giardia. But we found out today that Kassie does in fact have Giardia. But I guess it really isn't that big of a deal. Meds 3 times a day for 5 days and it should be gone. We are still waiting for some labs to come back but most have already and everything has been negative so far. It is a relief to us even though we were told she was healthy and saw lab results from Ethiopia. Its just nice to have them confirmed through trusted medical practices. The one big surprise was Kassie's x-ray on her hand and wrist. We had this done to somewhat accurately predict her age. The way I understand it is that her bone density can predict an age within 6 months of either side of the age given. Her result was 4.8!! Her age was listed as 21/2 but we thought she was 31/2 to maybe 4. When Jeff and I first saw her we were surprised at how big she was. But this x-ray result tells us she is at least 4+. I think we are going to make her birthday in May, not sure yet though. We need to find out more about the procedure for creating a Birth date. Anyway, enough medical stuff... Jeff and I are adjusting well. The only real concern of mine is when Kassie is having temper tantrums. They really make me nervous because I feel like I don't know what to do. She'll do things like punch Jeff and then look at him for a reaction. Then she will take her shoe off and throw it. Look at us for a reaction. Or when she gets herself so worked up she is crying and practically screaming in her language. I don't really feel confident in what to do because right now we are supposed to be bonding. She is supposed to be learning to trust me. I feel like if I handle it wrong we are going to be back at square one. I don't know... It really is all going fine. It was just a really overwhelming afternoon today. But I have to remember that everyday we make more and more strides. Even with all the drama today she is giving us kisses on the cheek now. She would not give us kisses on her own before today. She also says Hi, Hello, Thank You, Excuse me, How are you?, and I Love You. Also, all the names of people in our family. She loves to talk on the phone and that seems to be her big means of learning these words. It certainly is different having a girl around! We have been playing tea party and baby all week. Quite different than having the boys over!!

1 comment:

Brett said...

WOW! I can't even begin to imagine the transition you guys and Kassie are going through. Giardia, picking a birthday, her age, those are things that just hadn't crossed my mind. It must be really overwhelming, but you guys seem to be handling it very well or at least based on your posts.

As Brooke will tell you I'm, not without opinion and I love sharing so here goes... wouldn't her birthday be the day she became your child? Just a thought.

And don't let any of the temper tantrums get you down. I'm sure your handling it very well. And I'm sure many others have explained that is just part of what kids do sometimes. Teach her right from wrong and love her unconditionally and she'll grow up to be a wonderful person.

Keep up the great work! Give Kassie 5 kisses from each of the Lanham family members (Brooke, Kolby, Sierra, Danielle, and me)