Monday, August 13, 2007

catching up to me

Today its all catching up to me...I am sick! I am feverish, a bad cold, achy and exhausted. What a bummer. Auntie took Kassie for about 5 hours today so I could sleep. I am so thankful for that! I was nervous about Kassie going off and being afraid she wouldn't see us again but evidently we are over that barrier. She went happily and had a great day. I apologize to all of you who have sent e-mails and I haven't responded yet. I intend to, I am barely getting my blogs out right now. She is keeping me busy!! As soon as I can get rid of this cold I intend to get going with life as normally as possible and will hopefully start being ready for visits. Thanks to you all for your fabulous support and well wishes!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I hope you feel better Roub. Chicken soup!! Keep up the good work with Kassie. Remember that she loves you just as much as you love her! Kids want you to guide them and give them boundaries. They will always test the boundaries, especially strong-willed, girly-girls (I have one of those)! Hang in there and keep on doing what you're doing. I love you and am always thinking about you. WIsh I could be there to make you some homemade chicken soup and take care of you! :( I love you and miss you every day! xoxoxo Brooke