Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Last day...

The last day in Ethiopia we took Kasech to get her hair done at a salon. I'm disappointed because we were running late and I forgot our camera at the hotel room. Anyway, she loved it! She sat very patiently and watched intently what the stylist was doing. She evidently loves braiding. Her My Pretty Pony and her Polly Pocket doll are now braided. She does these amazingly teeny tiny braids. Not perfect but very cute! Then we went back to our hotel to pack. Jeff and I were so excited to go home! There are parts of Ethiopia that are very beautiful. But one of the women on our trip said it best, "No one would truly understand the experience unless the pictures were scratch and sniff". And I personally felt heartbreak every time I left our hotel. There are disfigured, poor, drunk and just sad people everywhere.
Its indescribable!
Anyway, after we packed, we headed back to The Horizon Guest House (see picture above) for the goodbye ceremony. The guest house is only a few years old and looks amazingly modern for the country. The ceremony was really neat and really beautiful.. The nannies and the rest of the children who were not leaving came to the guest house and sang and danced for us. They sang a good bye song to each of the kids who were leaving. They made a traditional Holiday bread and had a ceremonial coffee. It was quite emotional for all of us. The nannies were crying but, were very supportive and thankful for the children getting new homes. We stayed and had dinner at The Guest House with the other families and then left for the airport.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for another blog! I can't tell you how many people want the story to keep going...Kassie is just beautiful. Love, Auntie

Brooke said...

Hey there!! It is so good to have you home and awesome that you are still able to blog for us! We selfishly all love to read the beautiful story of yours and Kassie's life and now we want to hear about how it is all coming together!! How your life has changed and what she is up to!!! It was so good to hear your voice this morning!! I can't wait to come visit so think about when you want company! No rush, I want you to settle in and enjoy her on your own and you have a lot of adjusting to do!! I will swoop in and hug you all when you are ready!!! I will be patient!!! I love you with all of my heart and soul!! Hugs to Kassie!! xoxoxo Brooke